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martes, 1 de abril de 2014

International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization

World Vision: World Vision is a cristian organization created in USA in the year 1950, with the mision of assisting orphan children of the korean war.

World Trade Organization (WTO): Is an organization that deals with the global rules of trade between nation, it was established in 1995 and its actual general director is Roberto Azevedo from Brazil.

United Nations (UN) : The United Nations is an inter govermental organization established in 1945 to promote international Co-operation.

Greenpeace: Is an organization that protects the enviroment, it is present in every continent, it is independent from each goverment, it is able to do it's work because of volunteer donations.

European Union (EU): The european Union is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are located in europe

Interantional Monetary Fund (IMF): The IMF is an international organization that was created post WWll to assist the reconstruction of the world instrumental payment system.


1.- The advantage of the international organization, is that everyone can help each other rather than doing everything yourself if you are in a bad economical position.

2.-Because they are big so they can contribute a lot.

3.- To protect the enviroment, it wants to stop pollution, protect diversity of natural life and the athmosphere, and pursue a nuclear-free world.

4.- Because they probably cant afford it and it would produce very little income for that country.

5.-Because they are a group of hippies, and they want to be independent.

6.-Very Important, motivation to stop violence.


8.- Because it would affect their economy

9.- They could have problems while trying to be agree with a country, becuase in most cases their programme affects the Countrys' economy.

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