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martes, 11 de junio de 2013

200 words article

Nutritions problems in Schools at Spain
More than 2000 children in schools at Barcelona,Spain were having nutritions problems

The news that I read speaks about the bad nutrition that 2865 children were having in some Schools of Barcelona, Spain.
Some of the children arrived to the school without eating Breakfast, and they were having bad marks in the school, they weren’t studying and they felt really bad while in classes.

The headmaster of a school called Sant Josep Oriol, Nuria Garcia, said that they were detecting serious problems of nutrition in the students, she said that one morning a student came to her office, and told her that he was with a really bad pain in his stomach and then she found out that the last thing the child ate, was a slice of bread at 7PM.

All these students started with a strong nutrition program after being examined by doctors, the government is helping a lot these Children so they can recover their forces and try to finish the year with decent marks and results in their exams that is one of the most important things in the life of a child, aswell as his or her nutrition.

The Spanish government thinks that this is a very serious problem, and they have to work hard to fix it out. 


400 words article

Foods to Limit at school
Ways to help the students to grow healthy

There is a guide called “Canada’s Food Guide” this guide recommends the school to not sell foods and beverages that are high in calories.

The school usually sells a lot of junk food, some examples are: Potato chips, French fries, Nachos, Fruit flavoured drinks, Candy, Ice cream, Cakes and pastries and Donuts. All this food must have a limit in the schools, because  this type of food provides fewer nutrients needed to grow and if a child eats a lot of this food, he or she will be fat.
The Canada’s food guide gives us possibilities that we can use to change the junk food in schools. For example:

Ice cream ----> Freezing yogurt or 100% fruit or vegetable juice in a popsicle tray

Potato Chips--->  Choosing plain popcorn or homemade baked pitas

Fruit flavored drinks---> adding lime or lemon to your water or choosing milk, fortified soy beverage or 100% vegetable or fruit juice

Donuts---> Making your own low fat mini muffins with added fibre

Cakes and Pastries---> A baked apple with cinnamon, graham crackers or fruit and yogurt to satisfy your sweet tooth

French fries---> Baking strips of potato or sweet potatoes  in your oven with a small amount of oil herbs and spices.

Tobacco Problems in schools
The schools can help a lot in terms of helping the students to stay tobacco free.
It is very important that the schools help in this area, because the tobacco can cause a lot of bad health effects, one of the most dangerous ones is the Lung cancer, if you smoke tobacco for a long period of time, you have 70% possibilities to get this cancer and this can obviously kill you.
The other bad part about the tobacco use in schools, is that this produces a “Gateway” to the illegal drug use, for example:




If the tobacco use continues, more than 6.3 million of kids under 18 who are alive, today, will
Ultimately die from a Smoking-Related disease.

But, How can the schools help?

The schools can provide comprehensive Tobacco education, The schools can also forbid tobacco use by students, staff and visitors on all school grounds and at all school-sponsored events, provide program-specific training for teachers, Involve parents and families in school efforts to prevent tobacco use and finally offer interactive tobacco free projects for the students.